Wednesday, October 19, 2011

So Far

Hey guys,

Since so many of you live far away or do not have time to see me regularly I thought I would do this to let you know what was going on. We think I am about 6-7 weeks and according to an app on my phone baby should be due June 6th. I go to my first doctors visit on Oct 31st! I am super excited! They should be able to let me know more.. hopefully! I am still in a bit of shock about it cause I was not actually thinking I was pregnant. I still have moments of denial. For those of you that don't know, I was 18 days late and convinced I had a kidney stone and was not going to take a test. Too many people told me they all thought I should so I did just to say I took one. Needless to say there was definite shock when it was instant positive! We are super excited and just trying to take it all in. We have not really been looking at baby stuff, every time I try to look, I just kind of stare at the main baby screen. It's still just weird to think we are going to have a little mini Matt or Katie soon! Hopefully I will remember to keep up with this so everyone can be filled in!
This is a pic showing my baby at 6.5 weeks (this is the day we found out)
As I said before I did not quite believe the test and so I was comparing. We found out on Sunday Oct 16th and since I still didn't believe I took another test Monday and sent pics to my mom to make sure it was really positive and of course I made Matt double check it Sunday. 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it! So excited and blessed that Uncle Josh and Aunt Julia can watch this sweet baby grow all the way from Texas!! We love him/her so much already!!
