Sunday, March 18, 2012

7 months already!!

Our last DR visit went really well! Peyton would not sit still, they tried to get her heartrate with the doppler but she would not let them. She would hide from it and kick it so it was not the easiest task! Even when they tried to measure my belly she kept kicking at them! It seems like she doesn't like to be bothered! I go to the DR every 2 weeks now!! It is getting so much closer!! So far I have only gained 13 pounds since my first visit! I am still in all my regular clothes still as long and it is a jersey kinda stretchy material. We did have some fun things happen this week though! We pushed on my belly and she pushed her little hand out. It was about the size of a nickel so we are pretty sure it was the palm of her hand. The next night she did it with her foot! It was so fun to see! She loves her daddy so much! As soon as he starts talking now she goes crazy! I have made him start whispering once we are in bed so he wont get her all excited and she will settle down! It seems to work pretty well! He fell asleep on my lap a couple days ago with his hand on my belly and she was all curled up next to him, I looked like I had this growth coming out of the side of my belly! Once she gets here I doubt I will ever get to hold her! He loves her so much already!
I passed my second glucose test! I felt really icky during and after since I couldn't eat for so long!
We have her first shower coming up on the 1st of April! I can't wait! It is going to make it feel so much more real! We have not done really anything with her room yet, we have been waiting to see what we get at showers to see what all we need to get! We have another shower April 22nd! After that we will start spending! It has not been very easy to NOT buy anything!
According to my phone Peyton is about 2.5 lbs and 15 inches long!!! Not too much longer! I am at 28 weeks already, I will be 29 weeks on Tuesday!! So all I have left is about 6.5 to 12 weeks!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Active baby girl!

Sweet Peyton never stops moving! Matt finally felt her kick, ALOT!!She responds to him now it seems like. When he starts talking real loud or when he comes home and starts talking for the day she goes nuts!
We had such an issue trying to get the crib we had originally picked, long story short is that is being discontinued and you can't get the parts to make it a full size bed. So we found a new one and we love it! We are putting it together this weekend! We will post pictures of her new green room and new crib once its
together! Of course while I was in Nashville trying to find her perfect crib she showed out for everyone! She was kicking so hard my belly was jumping around! She went crazy all weekend!
I had a dr visit this week and had to do my glucose screening (for gestational diabetes), so sad but I failed. So I have to redo it this next Friday. Hopefully I pass it and everything will be great! Her heartrate is still super fast and very strong!
We are so very ready for little miss to be here! Matt wants to play so bad! It definitely doesn't help it seems like she is trying to play with him now. It makes us so much more anxious for her to be here!
I am going to post a belly picture in the next blog with a picture of her crib and room. I plan to do one after I find out about the next glucose test!
According to my phone she is 12.33 inches and 21.76 oz.. but she is probably a little bit smaller than that!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Peyton Marie Kendall

Well I was wrong.. IT'S A GIRL!! Matt told me that's what he thought it was cause of his dream and all the old wives tales pointed to girl! She was precious and moving so so much! She looked like she was doing kick boxing in there. Only bad thing was that she was facing backwards and would not turn around so we could see her pretty face! We love her so much already! She is being spoiled by her family and she is not even here yet! We have already had people asking about registries and colors and all that fun stuff so here it is... the walls we are going to do green and our registries are at, target, and walmart. We are only putting specific things there, we figure we will get plenty of clothes and other goodies people think we need. We already know who is buying certain big things like the crib, stroller, bedding, and dresser (the wood color we are doing is espresso). We know we want lots of books for her and definitely some Veggies Tales stuff! We will try to keep everyone posted on shower dates, I know for sure there is one in Union City on April 1st. We are going to do facebook invites for those I know want to come (closer to the shower date). If I miss you and you would like to come celebrate Peyton with me and matt just facebook me and I will get you the information!
Peyton is definitely a very active little girl! She moves all the time and never lets her mommy sleep, daddy thinks its funny to talk into my belly and zerbert it and tap it like a little drum to wake her up when we are laying in bed. I can tell these two together are going to be a mess!! Her other favorite thing to do is get really really low on my pelvis and spread, it is not the most comfortable thing that she does! But I swear you can feel her little body down there cause it gets all hard in that spot. Matt still has not felt her kick yet, but I think he will soon. She has kicked hard enough for it but she just wont do it when he is around! He talks to her and she will move around but just wont do it where anyone else can feel it! Peyton was 9 ounces according to the ultrasound so she is getting there! Cant wait til she reaches a full pound!
And Baby got a new ride this week! Matt bought a new truck with a back seat big enough for his sweet baby girl! It is huge and will have plenty of room for her and all her stuff! It even has the in floor coolers which will be good when we are going anywhere and need to take something of hers that has to stay cool!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ok I am not very good at this!

Sorry guys I am not good at keeping up with this! Since the last post I have been to the dr a few times! Matt got to hear the heartbeat and he was all smiles! The baby was moving around while they were trying to let us hear it. It was so fun letting him be involved in everything. The next day after this visit I started for sure feeling the baby move! It seems to move all the time! It is a little scary, if this baby is this active now I am going to be exhausted once it comes out! It moves around all the time! The sickness between that visit and my last visit has gotten better, it's not everyday but just random. The last visit I went to they tested for down syndrome and all that stuff and they said no news is good news, so far no news so hoping its all good. I did panic when I got a call from them yesterday morning, luckily it was just to change my next dr appt. We were supposed to find out boy or girl on Jan 20th, now we are finding out Jan 17th!! We are so excited!!! I think it is a boy but Matt won't say what he thinks it is cause he doesn't want to jinx it either way. We have both been having dreams about what they baby is and it is so much fun! I am definitely craving veggies and acidic things. i am loving carrots, salads, vinegar based cole slaw. I can finally eat sweets but have not really wanted them like I have wanted the bittery stuff.
We are also in the process of getting baby a bigger home. we have started the packing and getting things ready  to move. We should get to move in the next month or so. The new house is only 8 minutes from work, 3800 sq ft, 2 seconds from the hospital, and right across the street from the schools. We are so excited and can't wait to get out there!
The app on my phone says baby is now 7.46 oz and 5.77 inches long! Can not believe how big my little peanut is getting! At my biggest part I am 33 inches around! At my last visit I have only gained 6 lbs. On 17th I will be 20 weeks and it will be interesting to see how much I have gained so far since my appetite has increased!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sorry been so long!

Since the last post I have been very sickly. Lots of getting sick and the trying to eat and all that jazz did not help. Even being woken up to get sick! It has been so very fun lol! I was waiting until some things actually happened before I wrote again. Other than getting sick all the time, nothing has really been happening. Well.. except for the growing belly. I can't wear any fitted button ups and so many of my very fitted cami's roll up over my belly while at work, yesterday i had to watch it cause i had on a tight cami and a tight fitted tee and neither wanted to stay down! It is so crazy how fast this seems to be going! My first doctor visit wasn't anything baby really, they did a physical and got lots of info from me and told me what to expect. Many of you know I have/had endometriosis so it was supposed to be very difficult for us to get pregnant, well it didn't take us long at all, so the dr was very pleased about that. He said getting pregnant should get rid of this issue. After talking about what all we have tried before and what all went on, he thinks I may have von willebrands disease. It is some kind of blood clotting disease. So that could be interesting lol. Everything came back good from the tests they ran. The visit today was kinda crazy, I went to the insurance office and got stuff from them, then went to the lab and they drew 4 viles of blood to run more tests, then I finally saw the nurse and nurse practitioner. Luckily I know the nurse so she first checked to make sure everything was right in the computer. Next, she told me since I was 10 weeks and 5 days we may not be able to hear the heartbeat with the doppler. She looked and it only took a sec and THERE IS WAS!!! The heartbeat was good and strong! It definitely made it all seem more real. Even though my clothes don't fit quite right I have not really felt pregnant, just flu like and gaining weight. Today it really hit me! I got a bag with samples, magazines, pamphlets, and a very cool calendar. After I get this done I am working on the calendar! You fill in the days according to how far along you are and it shows you picks for each week and little details of whats going on. I can track things there! But the app on my phone updates me everyday on how big my little peanut is. Today it says it weighs .22 ounces and 1.5 inches long! Before I got pregnant my smallest on my waist was 25 inches. Now around my growing bump I am at 31 inches. I should have started at the very beginning but mom gave me the idea to start tracking! Here's the pic!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

This Week

Hey guys,
 This week the symptoms have definitely shown up. There has been lots and lots of fatigue, some icky sick feelings, and stretching feelings in the belly with some lower back pain. Some of my pants already are a little bit snug, just my higher rise ones though. My first doctors visit is next Monday!! I can't wait to find out all sorts of info and get this going!! For those of you that do not already know, Matt got a promotion a week before we found out and part of his training is at another store in Memphis!! So I am not real excited he is in and out for the next few weeks, but it is perfect timing with a baby now on the way! We are trying to move a little closer to our jobs since we are now working across the street from each other but live like 25 or 30 minutes away from them. This will also get us a little closer to his family (I think this gets him excited in case there are any issues he wont have to worry as much about someone getting to me). Still not exactly sure but the picture below is like 7.5 or 8 weeks. Sorry the pic is so blurry! I took the second one first so I just left them both on there.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

So Far

Hey guys,

Since so many of you live far away or do not have time to see me regularly I thought I would do this to let you know what was going on. We think I am about 6-7 weeks and according to an app on my phone baby should be due June 6th. I go to my first doctors visit on Oct 31st! I am super excited! They should be able to let me know more.. hopefully! I am still in a bit of shock about it cause I was not actually thinking I was pregnant. I still have moments of denial. For those of you that don't know, I was 18 days late and convinced I had a kidney stone and was not going to take a test. Too many people told me they all thought I should so I did just to say I took one. Needless to say there was definite shock when it was instant positive! We are super excited and just trying to take it all in. We have not really been looking at baby stuff, every time I try to look, I just kind of stare at the main baby screen. It's still just weird to think we are going to have a little mini Matt or Katie soon! Hopefully I will remember to keep up with this so everyone can be filled in!
This is a pic showing my baby at 6.5 weeks (this is the day we found out)
As I said before I did not quite believe the test and so I was comparing. We found out on Sunday Oct 16th and since I still didn't believe I took another test Monday and sent pics to my mom to make sure it was really positive and of course I made Matt double check it Sunday.